
Woah buddy! I am late late late! So I am not good at updating the family blog...no one reads it anyway! :) (and I am ok with that since my posts are so sporadic).

Well, Levi will be 11 months old Feb. 9 and I am cannot believe how fast time is flying! He is walking everywhere and has been for 2 months now. He took his first steps at 8 months, got really good the 9th month, and hasn't slowed down yet!

He has 8 teeth and has been chewing on a ton of stuff for 2 weeks now. Those back teeth are coming...we will see when they make their final appearance.

Levi had his first major cold where I took him to the doctor. He had a cough that would make you cry and a nose that could outrun Michael Jordan (the track guy, not the basketball player...although Levi's nose was running so much, it could have outrun both of them). He weighed in at 19 pounds and they sent us home saying that it was a cold and he would just have to wait it out.

Levi eats pretty much anything and everything, and he loves to watch Jake run around the house.

He loves to be outside, and Levi HATES to have his diaper changed.

He is our precious bundle of joy, and a gift of the Lord!


4 Months and Counting

Ok...so I admit...I am not good at this whole blogging business...oh well...who is actually reading it???

Levi went in for his 4 month appointment Wednesday (July 13). He weighed in at 14 pounds 8 ounces and was 24 and a half inches long. I cannot remember his head circumference, but the height and weight were average and his head circumference was above average. Preston said he was just like his momma....got a big head! :)

Levi is doing great he loves rice cereal and will tolerate apples. We are going to try either peaches or bananas tonight. We will see how that goes.

He still sleeps good and is definitely a belly sleeper.

He is now in his own room in his crib. We put him in there Father's Day.

He can roll over and is practicing sitting on his own.

We are so blessed to have such a great, healthy, happy, and cute baby!


Two Months and Counting

Well, here we are...two months and counting...where does the time go? Now as I am typing this I am holding a sleepy baby in one hand and typing with the other. Not too shabby with my right hand! :)

Levi went for his 2 month checkup on Thursday last week and ow weighs 11 pounds and 13 ounces. I cannot remember his length or head circumference off the top of mt head...remember I cannot just jump up and get it either because I am holding the sleeping baby. At this appointment he had to get shots. Oh boy...he wasn't happy!!! I cried as soon as he started crying. He just looked so pitiful laying there! He didn't stop crying until we got in the car and started moving. He was hungry too, which I think contributed to his fussiness. The doctor suggested giving him a bath to help sooth his legs, so after he ate, he got a nice warm bath.

The rest of the afternoon he did great! He didn't fuss (other than for being hungry or sleepy). He is such a great baby!

Here are some of the things he is starting to do now:

  • smile more
  • make noises
  • make spit bubbles (the boy looks like he has Rabies sometimes)
  • starting to suck his thumb once his pacifier falls out

He started sleeping through the night Mother's Day and has continued to do so every night since. He usually will eat between 9-11 and sleep until 5 a.m.

Here are some pictures of Levi:

Levi snoozing on mom!

Levi and one of his grandmothers!

4 generations in this picture!

All smiles!!!

We are going to be taking our first over night trip this week. We will only be gone for 2 nights and I am already feeling like we need a bigger vehicle!!!


One Month Check Up and a few 5 Week Photos

Levi had his one month check up yesterday and here is how it went...
  • Weight: 10 pounds, 2 ounces (this is how much Preston weighed when he was born)
  • Length: 22 and a half inches long
  • Head: (I didn't catch what those measurements were)
Here is how Levi is based on his measurements and the "averages:"
  • Weight: average
  • Length: 75%
  • Head: average
So, we have an average long health baby boy.

Everything else at the appointment went well. He will go next month for his two month check-up and will get some shots...I am dreading this appointment!

He is now 5 weeks and 2 days old and is smiling more and more (which melts my heart)! See picture below:

He is also starting to make some noises other than just crying. He is starting to growl which is really funny and I have noticed that he will give us a fake cry every now and then.

Here is another picture of Levi snoozing in his car seat and smiling a little:


A Month Already

Well, so much for updating the blog regularly ... Levi is a month old already. Here are some things we have noticed so far that Levi has done or is currently doing:

1 week - we all survived! :o)

2 weeks - Levi stopped crossing his eyes (thank goodness ... that looked weird)

3 weeks - Levi started following things with his eyes (very cool)

4 weeks - started smiling occasionally (and no...it is not always gas) :o)

We go Thursday for his one month appointment so I will TRY to update the blog with the latest news.


He's Here and a Week Old!!!

Ok - so I haven't been as disciplined as I thought that I would be with this blog. Hopefully that will come with time and lots of pictures! :0)

So...delivery went well and little Levi Curtis Sockwell is here at home and has adjusted to living outside the womb quite nicely. It is me that still needs to adjust to the naps throughout the day and night verses the nice sleep that I used to get. It is ALL worth it though...every poopy diaper and every cry.

He is truly a miracle from God. It is amazing how something can start out (you know where babies come from) one little swimmer out of MILLIONS makes it to the egg and poof...life begins. Not at a heartbeat, but then.

He grows and grows until you can feel movement and then you start growing too! :0)

With us, it was just like that. A wonderful pregnancy (thank you Lord)! I never got sick or felt bad. He grew just like "normal" and I did too.

I actually carried him 41 weeks and 6 days...one day shy of the latest that the doctors will let you carry a baby these days. We wanted to wait and see if nature would work its magic and make my body go into labor naturally....we walked and walked and walked, but nothing ever happened. So on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 we walked into the hospital (I still felt great and was not realizing that day would forever be different. We chose March 9 (41 weeks and 1 day) because that was Preston's mom's birthday...Levi's grandmother. He had already missed my dad's birthday (Feb. 28), so we decided to try another grandparent's birthday.

So - we walk in with our bags and go up to the third floor to labor and delivery (feels really weird to just walk in knowing that I am going to have a baby). They get me in a bed and there I am in the hospital at 8 a.m. waiting to see what will happen.

They start me on Pitocin and break my water at 8:46 a.m. The doctor/midwife announces that we are going to have this baby before 9 p.m. tonight and if we deliver before 4 p.m. one of my nurses (Debbie...she was wonderful) gets Starbucks! Nothing happens for a few hours and then finally the contractions start and they are about 2 minutes apart around 11:20 a.m. I am not in too much pain, just have to breath through the contractions.

Finally at some point in the day (not sure of the time anymore), I get some Nubian to help relax my body between the contractions and encourage little Levi to move on down and encourage my body to open up more. I finally feel the urge to push but it still isn't time yet and I also feel like I am going to pass out, so they give me some oxygen and I continue on.

Again...at some point in time...they tell me I can start pushing. I pushed for over an hour before Levi decided to come on out, but at 5:53 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Levi Curtis Sockwell is born and it is another miracle. For 9+ months, he got everything he needed from the umbilical chord. Now that he is out of the womb, he gets everything he needs from his mouth. Truly a miracle!

Levi weighed in at 8 pounds 1 ounce and was 22 inches long. He fed well and continues to eat well! :o)

The pictures I am going to post are as follows:

Preston and I (with a big belly) was taken the night before - Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Our new family of 3 right after he was born

Levi now one week old

I will try to be more disciplined at blogging, but we will see how that goes! I have to adjust to the new schedule just as much as Levi does! :o)

Thanks for reading and praying for our family!


Tomorrow is the day (unless he comes before)

Well...our little booger is waiting until the last possible moment before making his appearance into the world.

If he doesn't come tonight sometime I will be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. to start the induction process.

Please pray for a smooth delivery and a healthy baby, mom and dad.

Will be posting pictures soon!!!!